Wildflower Honey


SKU: N/A Category:


What are the benefits of flower honey

When consuming flower honey, the beneficial properties may vary slightly depending on the flowers from which the nectar was obtained.

But still, the effect of different types of delicacies is basically similar:

● strengthens the body’s defenses, increases resistance to adverse environmental factors;
● activates metabolism;
● relieves inflammation and fever;
● treats cough;
● eliminates sore throat, nasal congestion;
● improves blood composition and clotting;
● restores digestion;
● improves visual acuity;
● promotes calcium retention in the body;
● activates the regeneration process, accelerates wound healing;
● strengthens bones, cartilage and ligaments;
● increases performance, increases the effectiveness of physical and mental activity;
● improves memory, thinking, ability to concentrate;
● destroys pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi);
● cleanses from slags and toxins;
● increases vitality;
● relieves nervous tension;
● eliminates insomnia;
● increases stress resistance;
● lifts mood;
● improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm

500g, 1kg