Goat’s Down Shawl, size: 130*130cm. Hand made. Shape – square, White.


Goat’s  Down handkerchief, 


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SKU: orhawl110 Category:


Soft down, which has unique properties of thermal insulation, combed with live and healthy goats, forming it in yarn. For animals that give valuable fluff, carefully courted, because the state of the goat depends on how much fluff will be shiny, elastic, soft, durable, and also pliable in the hands of knitters.

козий пух         

The main advantages of goat’s down, and, accordingly, and products from it experts call:

1. Hygroscopicity, namely the ability of fluff to absorb the sweat secreted by the human body and transfer it to the environment.  Down absorbs up to 35 percent of moisture relative to its own weight. Further, the evaporation evaporates, which leads to a slight decrease in body temperature, relieving the body of overheating. This means that a person wearing clothes made from goat’s down, feels himself to be dry and comfortable, he practically has no chance to freeze. There is information that earlier in the Orenburg downy shawls wrapped up weak infants born before the due date. Soft cocoon provided the baby with a stable temperature, due to which the body was strengthened and the children survived. 2. High thermal insulation properties. A scarf from Orenburg land is capable not only of warming in cold weather, but also curing of a mass of ailments. Downy kerchief is indispensable in the treatment of attacks of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, colds. In socks made of goat’s down, which Orenburg craftsmen also knit, the legs warm instantly and for a long time are in a favorable thermal regime.3.Hypoallergenicity. People with allergies tend to wear down products without any health consequences.

Orenburg shawl/Оренбургские платки, шали

Additional information

Weight 1.200 kg
Dimensions 30.0 × 30.0 × 10.0 cm