Fur cape (cover) on the car seat made of camel wool, SOLID. drawing “DEER”


Does not lose healing properties for 15 years!

2 in stock

SKU: 4610119440688 Category:


A car seat cover made of camel fur reliably protects the spine and entire back from the cold effects of a frozen car seat in winter and will not allow you to sweat in summer. It can be used for the prevention of lumbosacral radiculitis, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, lumbalgia and sciatica. Relieves general fatigue, excessive tension of the muscles of the back and neck. It is very convenient to use due to the wide fixing elastic bands that allow the cape not to slide off the seat of your car. Healing and preventive properties: perfectly protects the back from the cold; creates a massage effect of acupuncture points; provides treatment and prevention of back diseases, such as: herniated discs, lumbodynia, sciatica, osteocondritis of the spine, radiculitis, pinched nerve. Therapeutic effect: Camel hair has many features that distinguish it from other types of wool and give it truly unique healing properties. It is more than twice as light as sheep and, in addition, much stronger. Camel hair is hollow, which provides it with additional heat-insulating properties and lightness. Due to a certain habitat, biologically active substances (BAS) accumulate in the wool of camels, which have a beneficial effect on human health. 

Накидка меховая (чехол) на сиденье автомобиля из верблюжьей шерсти, рисунок "ОЛЕНИ"


Additional information

Weight 0.800 kg
Dimensions 27.0 × 25.0 × 20.00 cm
Sheep Wool Slippers

10, 9