FAST RELIEVE PAIN of INFLAMMATION. Natural Ingredients: Camphor, menthol, borneol, peppermint oil, a special collection of herbs (Galang root, Redroot, Akonite tubers Kuznetsova, stems of ephedra, ginger root, Cleopatra grass Zilborra, cinnamon oil, fruits and paprika grass, pine resin)
Состав: Камфора, ментол, борнеол, масло мяты перечной, особый сбор трав (корень Галанга,Красный корень,клубни аконита Кузнецова,стебли эфедры,корень имбиря,трава копытня Зилборра,коричное масло,плоды и трава перца красного,сосновая смола)
The main properties of the plaster: The patch gives a quick analgesic effect for pain in the back or in any area of the body.
• Dissolves seals locally enhance microcirculation, improves metabolism;
• stimulates the work of the body’s absorbent system, removes toxins, relieves fatigue, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
• Promotes relaxation of muscles and tendons, is effective for dislocations, bruises, and bruises.